The name of this non-profit Association shall be Research Council on Mathematics Learning. 


The Research Council on Mathematics Learning seeks to stimulate, generate, coordinate, and disseminate research efforts designed to understand and/or influence factors that affect mathematics learning.


Section 1 -  Types of Membership

  • Founding Membership - Recognition of founding membership shall be limited to individuals who presented papers at the first, second, or third National Conference of Remedial Mathematics at Kent State University.  Founding members are subject to the conditions of regular membership.  
  • Regular Membership - Regular membership shall be open to all individuals who have interests as stated in Article II, who submit completed application forms, and who are approved by the Executive Committee.
  • Student Membership - Student membership shall be open to individuals who are certified as undergraduate or graduate students by a college or university instructor and who submit completed application forms.

Section 2 - Privileges of Membership 

  • Regular Members - Regular members shall be accorded all rights and privileges normally provided members of research, scientific, educational, and professional Associations including the right to vote, hold office, receive publications and to participate in conferences.
  • Student Members - Student members shall have the right and privilege of participating in conferences and shall receive selected Council publications. They shall not vote, hold office, nor initiate motions in meetings of the Council.

Section 3 - Protection of Membership Rights 

The Executive Committee may censure, expel, or suspend any member for cause following due process procedures provided by the By-Laws of the Association.


Section 1 - Officers

There shall be the following elected officers of the association: President, President-Elect or Past-President, Vice-President for Publications, Vice-President for Conferences, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2 - President

The President shall be the presiding officer of business meetings and conferences, shall call special meetings when necessary, shall hold non-voting ex-officio membership on standing committees, shall coordinate activities of standing committees, and shall provide leadership for the attainment of the purposes of the association.

Section 3 - President-Elect or Past-President

The President-Elect or Past-President, whichever exists during the current year, shall be the presiding officer in the absence of the President, shall aid the President in the executive responsibilities, and shall assume the office of the President should that office be vacated.

Section 4 - Vice-President for Conferences

The Vice-President for Conferences shall be the presiding officer in the absence of the President, the Past-President, or the President-Elect, shall assume responsibility for coordination of conferences, and shall compile an accurate account of all activities of the office.

Section 5 – Vice-President for Publications

The Vice-President for Publications shall be the presiding officer in the absence of the President, Past-President, President-Elect, or Vice-President for Conferences, shall assume responsibility for coordination of publications, and shall compile an accurate account of all activities of the office.

Section 6 - Secretary

The Secretary shall maintain minutes of business meetings, shall assist the officers with official correspondence, and shall keep official records of the association and the Executive Committee.

Section 7 - Treasurer

The Treasurer shall maintain accurate membership lists, shall collect dues and other monies owed to the association, shall maintain the association's non-profit status, shall transact financial business upon recommendation from the Executive Committee, and shall maintain accurate financial records.

Section 8 - Committees

There shall be standing and special committees of the association as provided in the By-Laws of this association.

Section 9 - Executive Committee

  • Membership - The Executive Committee will consist of the following officers: President, Past-President or President-Elect, Vice-President for Conferences, Vice­President for Publications, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • Duties - The Executive Committee shall stimulate and coordinate research by the members of the organization and shall be the policy-making body of the association whose duties shall be delineated in the By-Laws of the association.


Section 1 - Annual Meeting

An official annual business meeting shall be held at such time and place as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2 - Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President at the direction of the Executive Committee under the provisions stipulated in the By-Laws of this Association.

Section 3 - Rules of Order

The business of the Association shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except where otherwise specified in the By-Laws of the Association.

Section 4 - Quorum

 A quorum for the annual and/or special meetings of this Association shall be the members present.


The Executive Committee shall form an Ad Hoc Nominating Committee as provided for in the By‑Laws of this Association. 


This Constitution may be amended by the following procedures: 

  1. Any regular member(s) may propose amendments.
  2. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Committee not less than sixty days prior to the annual business meeting.
  3. The Executive Committee shall consider all proposed amendments and deliver their recommendations to the Regular Members at the annual meeting.
  4. Proposed amendments to this Constitution recommended by the Executive Committee for adoption will be acted upon by the Regular Members. Approval requires two­-thirds majority of Regular Members voting by hard copy or electronic ballot.


This Constitution shall become effective upon the approval of two‑thirds of those individuals eligible for founding membership.