Awards and Scholarships

Each year, RCML accepts nominations for the James Heddens Service Award and the RCML Scholarship Awards in Honor of Marge and Bill Speer. The annual timeline for both awards is as follows:

  • Nominations accepted: September 15 - November 15
  • Reviewed by a committee
  • Recipients announced: January 15

RCML Scholarship Award in Honor of Marge and Bill Speer

Description: RCML Scholarship Award, in honor and memory of the organization’s longtime members who are living or deceased, was established to provide faculty and graduate students financial support to attend the RCML annual conference. Each year one junior faculty member at a college/university employed in a tenure-track position and one graduate student will receive $750 to offset the cost of attending the annual RCML conference. 

Click here to read the requirements.

Complete the Application Process for Graduate Student form here and the Non-Tenured Faculty Member form here.
(open to regular members September 15 - November 15; student members are not eligible to complete the form): 

Application for RCML  Scholarship Award - Graduate Student, to be completed by a Current Regular Member

Application for RCML Scholarship Award - Non-Tenured Faculty Member, to be completed as a self-nomination

Past Recipients

Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Queshonda Kudaisi, University of North Texas
Graduate Student Awards: Andra Martinez Bennett, Baylor University

Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Alesia Moldavan, Georgia Southern University
Graduate Student Awards: Amy Johnson, The University of Texas at Austin; Jacob Martin, Oklahoma State University

Golden Ticket: Carlos Nicolas Gomez Marchant, University of Texas at Austin
Non-Tenured Faculty Awards: Nickolaus Ortiz, Georgia State University; Amy Ray, Sam Houston State University​
Graduate Student Awards: Joey Tedeschi, Baylor University; Kaitlyn Solymosi, Bowling Green State University

2019: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Shawn Broderick, Weber State University 
2018: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Christie MartinUniversity of South Carolina
2018: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Nicholas Wong, University of Nevada at Las Vegas  

2017: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Rachel BatesRedlands Community College 
2016: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Sarah PrattUniversity of North Texas 
2016: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Rachel BachmanWeber State University 
2015: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Jonathan BosticBowling Green State University 
2014: Non-Tenured Faculty Award: Summer BateihaWestern Kentucky University 

James W. Heddens Distinguished Service Award 

Description: RCML recognizes notable and extensive service to the mathematics education community and the RCML organization with the James W. Heddens Distinguished Service Award. Potential awardees are those who have been a member of RCML for at least ten (10) years and who have shown substantial participation and leadership in RCML activities such as contributing innovative ideas, paper presentations at meetings, committee work, holding an office, membership work, and reviewing for the journal. Nominations for this award must come from current members of RCML.

Awardee: The Awardee is honored at the annual business meeting and receives a one-year membership to RCML. This award may be given annually. 

To nominate a person for this award, the following must be submitted directly to the current President of RCML: 

  1. A letter of nomination describing the nominee’s contribution to the organization along with supporting information as available. 
  2. Two (2) additional letters of support, including one (1) from an RCML President, past or present, and one (1) other RCML Board member, past or present.

Past Recipients

2024: Alan Zollman, Indiana University Southeast
2023: Jon Engelhardt, Baylor University (retired)
2020: Francis Skip Fennell, McDaniel College
2019: Bill Speer, University of Nevada at Las Vegas

For any questions regarding these awards, please contact the RCML President, President-Elect, or Past President