Call for Investigations in Mathematics Learning Editor and/or Editorial Team

See this document for a PDF of the call for editor applications. Applications due March 30, 2024


The Research Council on Mathematics Learning (RCML) has served the mathematics education community for 50 years, facilitating communications, research, and dissemination of knowledge among higher education faculty. The official journal of RCML, Investigations in Mathematics Learning (continuously published since 1978), is a prestigious journal among mathematics educators. RCML is soliciting applications for the position of Editor as well as Associate Editor(s) of Investigations in Mathematics Learning for the term January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027 with an optional fourth year. During the period of July 1, 2024-December 31, 2024, the incoming editor and their team will receive onboarding from the current editorial team. The Executive Board of RCML plans to select the new Editorial Team during the spring of 2024. Prospective applicants for the three-year term of Editor need to provide the Search Committee with evidence of the following:


  1. Strong professional commitment to the editorial role of a major international professional journal.
  2. Appropriate professional background knowledge and experience in mathematics education that demonstrates scholarly work in a multitude of mathematics education areas.
  3. History of being punctually responsive in the role of reviewer or editor with academic journals.
  4. Available logistical support to produce a quality journal punctually, including the time required for accomplishing the duties of the Editor, adequate office space, and regular updates to the Vice President on Publications. On average, an editor can expect approximately 2-4 hours per week devoted to editorial responsibilities. On average, an associate editor can expect 1-2 hours per week devoted to editorial responsibilities.
  5. Plan for securing an editorial assistant during their term as editor. An assistant should be able to conduct technical checks of manuscripts and support the editor as needed. Approximately 2-5 hours per week is needed for the responsibilities of an assistant.
  6. Sound organizational, administrative, and communication skills.
  7. Personal commitment to the mission of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning.
  8. Past editorial abilities and/or experience, including the capability to work cooperatively with other professionals.
  9. Plan for constructing a cohesive and productive editorial team, including the names of two or three possible associate editors to be appointed for the same term. 
  10. Vitaes that highlight scholarly work and editorial experiences for both the applicant and the recommended associate editors.

 The Research Council on Mathematics Learning typically awards the editorship as a grant/contract to the host institution. RCML characteristically provides the Investigations in Mathematics Learning editor with at least $1,000 annual support as well as pays the expenses of the Editor to attend the Annual Conference of RCML. In addition, RCML will provide a $1,000 honorarium to an assistant to the editor each fiscal year(RCML FY is July 1 to June 30).

            Submit the proposal addressing each of the nine points listed above, with appropriate documentation, to Dr. Colleen M. Eddy, Vice-President for Publications, [email protected], by March 30, 2024. Finalists will be interviewed via conference call in April 2024.