Past Conference Descriptions2022 - The Forty-Ninth Annual Conference, Grapevine, TXMarch 3-5, 2022 The annual meeting was held in person in Grapevine, Texas, with a virtual through the use of the Whova app and Zoom videoconferencing platform. The Founder's Lecture, given by Dr. Trena Wilkerson, professor of mathematics education at Baylor University, titled "Current Research Trends in Mathematics Learning That Guide Us for the Future." During her talk, she asked attendees to examine research trends in mathematics learning by reflecting on the past five years by highlighting what the members of RCML have published and presented. Dr. Abigail Tilton, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Texas Woman’s University, was invited as this year's Wilson Memorial Lecture. She shared, in her talk, "My Life with Numbers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," her varied experiences with mathematics teachers in a variety of contexts, and the influence they had on what she has accomplished in her professional career. There were 128 registered attendees, with 71 presentations and 9 posters, 98 presenters. Minutes from the business meeting were distributed to the membership via Intersection Points. 2021 - The Forty-Eighth Annual Conference, VirtualFebruary 26 - 27, 2021 The annual meeting was held virtually through the use of the Whova app and Zoom videoconferencing platform. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Robert Q. Berry III, Ph.D., a professor of mathematics education at the University of Virginia. He is the Samuel Braley Gray Professor of Mathematics Education and the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the School of Education and Human Development. His talk, "Examining Mathematics Education Reforms’ Impact on Historically Excluded Learners," offered contrasting narratives between policy intentions and policy enactment, highlighting how the language of mathematics education policies enacted by educational professionals marginalized learners within their cultures, families, and communities. Dr. Nasrin Mirsaleh-Kohan, Associate Professor at Texas Woman’s University, was invited as this year's Wilson Memorial Lecture. Her talk, "Communicating Your Research to the Public: A Trip to the Mall," shared the story of young scientists connecting with their community by providing non-technical presentations of their research, and also showed how important it is for public stakeholders to have high regard and confidence in scientific research. There were 123 registered attendees, with 54 presentations, 95 presenters. Minutes from the business meeting were distributed to the membership via Intersection Points. 2020 - The Forty-Seventh Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NVMarch 5 - 7, 2020 The annual meeting was held at the Alexis Park All-Suite Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Francis "Skip" Fennell, emeritus as the L. Stanley Bowlsbey professor of education and Graduate and Professional Studies at McDaniel College in Maryland, where he also directed the Elementary Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Leaders Project. He engaged the audience to consider those who have journeyed before us and how we can determine in what ways we will impact and lead other, during his talk, "Students, Stewards, Visionaries, Mentors – Paths to Leading OUR Profession." Dr. Anthony Lucas was invited as this year's Wilson Memorial Lecture. His talk, "Casino Operations: Profits, Potential, and Pratfalls," drew from his efforts to examine casino operations and in what ways they were far different from what was expected. There were 173 registered attendees, with 85 presentations, 14 posters, and 132 presenters. Minutes from the business meeting will be distributed to the membership via Intersection Points. 2019 - The Forty-Sixth Annual Conference, Charlotte, NCFebruary 28 - March 2, 2018 The annual meeting was held at the Hilton Charlotte University Place in Charlotte, NC. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Rose Sinicrope, Associate Professor Emerita of Mathematics Education at East Carolina University. She shared her journey in mathematics education and how it intersected with RCML founders, as well as main themes in mathematics education as they emerged throughout the decades. Her presentation, "A Mathematics Teacher Educator's Personal Perspective of Research on Mathematics Learning," can be accessed here. Dr. Joseph Graves, Professor and Associate Dean for Research in the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at North Carolina A&T University, was invited as this year's Wilson Memorial Lecture. His talk, "The Language of the Universe," drew from his efforts to thwart racialized biological narratives to share how these notions can impact mathematics teaching and learning. His presentation can be accessed here. There were 134 registered attendees, with 83 presentations, 8 posters, and 116 presenters. Minutes from the business meeting were distributed to the membership via Intersection Points. 2018 - The Forty-Fifth Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LAFebruary 22 - 24, 2018 The annual meeting was held at the Cook Hotel and Conference Center in Baton Rouge, LA on the LSU campus. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Steve Leinwand, a Principal Research Analyst at AIR. He presented on the importance of mathematics education research finding its way into the mathematics classroom. His presentation can be accessed here. This year's Wilson Lecture was presented by Dr. Jill Trepanier, a hurricane climatologist at LSU. Her presentation, Understanding Extreme Weather Behavior Using Quantitative Geography, showcased how geographers use tools to understand hurricane risks in innovative ways. There were 137 registered attendees, and minutes from the business meeting were distributed to the membership via Intersection Points.. 2017 - The Forty-Fourth Annual Conference, Ft. Worth, TexasMarch 2 - 4, 2017 The annual meeting was held at the Historic Hilton in downtown Ft. Worth, Texas. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Patricia Lamphere Jordan, a consistent supporter of RCML and retired faculty member from Oklahoma State University. She presented on the important influences of the founders of RCML by engaging the audience with a variety of interactive questions. This year's Wilson Lecture was presented by Dr. Bryant Wyatt, chair of the Mathematics Department at Tarleton State University. Wyatt and his team have won numerous awards for their work on particle modeling and he shared highlights of that work at the lecture. There were 165 registered attendees and minutes from the business meeting are available here. 2016 - The Forty-Third Annual Conference, Orlando, FloridaFebruary 25 - 27, 2016 The annual meeting was held in Florida for the fourth time, this year at the DoubleTree Hilton at SeaWorld in Orlando just off the famous International Drive. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Alan Zollman, a consistent supporter of RCML and faculty member at Indiana University Southeast. This year's Wilson Lecture was presented by RCML Founding Member, Michael C. Hynes of the University of Central Florida. He shared the promise of TeachLivE, using a virtual reality environment as a powerful teaching/learning tool. Over 150 people attended this year's meeting. 2015 - The Forty-Second Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NevadaFebruary 26 - 28, 2015 The annual meeting was held in Las Vegas for the fifth time, this year returning to the Alexis Park Resort & Hotel not far from both the University of Las Vegas and the Strip. Let's hope that "what happened at RCML in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas." The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Daniel Brahier, long time member of RCML, presently serving as director of the Ohio Action Project at Bowling Green State University. This year's Wilson Lecture, a heart-warming and informative presentation by Alex Dixon and Dr. Juli Dixon, was held on Thursday evening. Over 160 people attended this year's meeting. 2014 - The Forty-First Annual Conference, San Antonio, TexasFebruary 27 - March 1, 2014 The annual meeting was held in Texas for the fifth time - first time in San Antonio - at the Historic (and haunted) Menger Hotel immediately next to the Alamo. The Founder's Lecture was given by Dr. Jon Engelhardt, early pioneer of RCML (RCDPM) and presently serving as Dean of the School of Education at Baylor. The Wilson Lecture, presented by Dr. James Epperson, Distinguished Teaching Professor at UT-Arlington, was held on Friday evening. The Council was also honored by the presence and closing lecture of Suzanne Mitchell, NCSM Past-President. Over 125 attended this year's meeting. 2013 - The Fortieth Annual Conference, Tulsa, OklahomaFebruary 28 - March 2, 2013 The annual meeting was held in Oklahoma for the fourth time - first time in Tulsa - at the Hilton Doubletree Downtown. The Wilson Lecture, presented by Doug Achiele and "Gumbie" was held preceding the opening reception on Thursday evening. The Founder's Lecture was given by Drs. Mel and Judy Olson, long-time members of RCML. The Council was also honored by the presence and closing lecture of Linda Gojak, NCTM President. Over 100 attended this year's meeting. 2012 - The Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference, Charlotte, North CarolinaFebruary 23 - 25, 2012 The annual meeting was held at the Hilton University Circle. The opening reception was held in honor of James Heddens, the Council's "Founding Father" who now resides in Charlotte. The reception followed the next day by the Founder's Lecture given by Dr. Jayne Fleener, a long-time member of RCML. The Council also recognized the passing and many contributions of David Davison with a moment of silence at the luncheon and business meeting. Approximately 110 attended this year's meeting. 2011 - The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OhioMarch 10 - 12, 2011 The Council returned to its "home state" for the second time in five years by holding its annual conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. The group numbered over a hundred with many first-timers that provided new perspectives and shared in the fellowship. Attendees attended over 75 sessions as well as the John Wilson lecture by Dr. Linda Sheffield and, for the second year, the Founder's Lecture by Dr. William Speer. 2010 - The Thirty-Seventh Annual Conference, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, ArkansasMarch 11 - 13, 2010 For the second time in the past six years, the Council held its annual conference in central Arkansas. The fellowship was typically warm - even if the temperature wasn't. Attendees were treated to research sharing sessions as well as the Wilson lecture by Dr. Vijaya Gompa and the Founder's Lecture by Dr. William Speer. 2009 - The Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference, Berry College, Rome, Georgia.March 5 - 7, 2009 RCML held its 36th annual conference in the pastoral setting of Berry College in Rome, Georgia - "where the rivers meet, and the mountains begin." The Wilson Lecture on the topic of assistive technology was given by Dr. Thad Stamer. Dr. James Heddens presented the first Founder's Lecture offering "a peek at the past." Additional reminiscent's were in talks presented by Founding Members Robert Ashlock and William Speer. Minutes from the business meeting are available. 2008 - The Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.March 6 - 8, 2008 The 2008 Conference provided a third opportunity for attendees to enjoy the hospitality of the "Sooner State." An excellent program of over 50 sessions focused attention on the theme of "Mathematics for All." 2007 - The Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.March 1 - 3, 2007 The 2007 conference demonstrated the merging nature of RCDPM to RCML. The conference location got us back to our roots at Kent State University. The collegial relationship of sharing ideas and information created a strong positive energy for all participants. 2006 - The Thirty-Third Annual Conference, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.February 23 - 25, 2006 The annual meeting was held on the campus of UNLV at the International Gaming Institute. The opening session was held at the Mirage Hotel Secret Garden and showcased our Wilson Lecture on the Partnerhip between UNLV and the Dolphin Habitat. Approximately 125 attended this year's meeting and were greeted with the usual Las Vegas sunshine and hospitality! 2005 - The Thirty-Second Annual Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas.February 24 - 26, 2005 The University of Central Arkansas hosted the 32nd annual meeting in Little Rock. The group was entertained by keynote talks on the mathematical connections found in quilting and music. Constance Kamii was the Saturday morning keynoter on the harmful effects of algorithms. 2004 - The Thirty-First Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.February 19 - 21, 2004 Mathematics Education - Then, Now, and the Future The Council met in Oklahoma City for the second time in its history to examine the theme of "Mathematics Education - Then, Now, and the Future." The major keynote speaker was Grayson Wheatley and the Wilson Lecture was given by Cathryne Stein, Director of the KISS Robotics Institute. 2003 - The Thirtieth Annual Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.Mathematics: Building the Future The thirtieth annual conference was held in Tempe, Arizona, on the campus of Arizona State University. Dr. Leonard Shlain, author of Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light, presented the Wilson Memorial Lecture. Jon Engelhardt, one of our founding members, gave the closing keynote. 2002 - The Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee.March 7 - 9, 2002 Our 29th annual conference was held in Memphis, Tennessee with the theme, "The Music of Mathematics in Memphis." The four keynote addresses and more than 50 presentations were topped off by a night on Beale Street. 2001 - The Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.The 2001 conference returned to Las Vegas for an encore! The conference theme of "Dealing with Factors that Influence Mathematics Learning" provided a focus for active and engaging interaction - an RCML characteristic. 2000 - The Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.RCML members, 150+, met "On the Strip" in Las Vegas March 9th through the 11th. The program, and site, were evaluated as a great success and, as usual, the collegiality and sharing environment were hallmarks. 1999 - The Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference, College Station, Texas.The 1999 conference provided a forum for us to look at where our organization has been and where and how we can move forward. The meeting was a small one, but was, characteristically, a successful opportunity to interact and share. This was the first year under the name of "Research Council on Mathematics Learning". 1998 - The Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.The 25th Anniversary meeting was a celebration of our past and an examination of our future. The name of the organization was changed to The Research Council on Mathematics Learning. 1997 - The Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, OklahomaThe organization met in Oklahoma for the first time, hosted by David Boliver and Jayne Fleener. It was at this meeting that the attendees charged the Board with examining a name change for the organization. 1996 - The Twenty-Third Annual Conference, University of Central Florida, Melbourne, Florida.We returned to the site of the 1993 meeting and the hospitality of Marty Hopkins, Enrique Ortiz, Karri Williams, and others in the Sunshine State. Again, the fellowship was strong and the sharing was invigorating! 1995 - The Twenty-Second Annual Conference, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.Holding this meeting in Las Vegas was certainly no gamble for the 104 attendees! The program was a winning one that was carefully selected to maximize profits. Your only loss came from not being able to attend each and every presentation. 1994 - The Twenty-First Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.The greeting was warm, even if the weather was frigid. We slid into Texas with the theme of Empowering Through Equity in Education and were, again, immersed in many opportunities to share and grow. RCDPM has certainly grown -- the membership was now at 190! 1993 - The Twentieth Annual Conference, University of Central Florida, Melbourne, Florida.We came in the fog and left in a daze! This was truly a meeting of the "old" tradition. Although, due to unusual circumstances, the membership dropped to approximately 80, the fellowship was strong and the sharing was invigorating. The 20th anniversary meeting helped all see the continued need for RCDPM. 1992 - The Nineteenth Annual Conference, Trenton State College, Princeton, New Jersey.A group of approximately 90 braved the cold and rain and were rewarded with some outstanding sessions on the themes of assessment and collegiate mathematics education and typical RCDPM fellowship. We've got to learn the connection between geography and weather. RCDPM had approximately 130 members. 1991 - The Eighteenth Annual Conference, California State Polytechnic, Pomona, California.The meeting introduced a technology strand and focused on students that have traditionally been under served. There were approximately 165 members. 1990 - The Seventeenth Annual Conference, Galludet University, Washington, D.C.Both RCDPM members and teachers of the deaf gained new insights into how to help deaf and hearing impaired students learn mathematics. There were approximately 160 members. 1989 - The Sixteenth Annual Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.Decision made to retain the RCDPM name. There were 165 members - rumor has it that only 48% could actually say the acronym of the organization correctly. 1988 - The Fifteenth Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.The RCDPM name change debate continues. Members are reminded (by a snowstorm) that you can't legislate good weather. There were 179 members. 1987 - The Fourteenth Annual Conference, University of California at Los Angeles, Lake Arrowhead, California.RCDPM reconsiders a name change. There were 182 members. 1986 - The Thirteenth Annual Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.RCDPM changes its annual meeting structure to meet in "sunbelt territory" in February, beginning in 1988. There were 206 members. 1985 - The Twelfth Annual Conference, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.All RCDPM publications are entered into the ERIC system. There were 250 members. 1984 - The Eleventh Annual Conference, University of California, San Francisco, California.RCDPM affiliated with the journal FOCUS: On Learning Problems in Mathematics. There were 260 members. 1983 - The Tenth Annual Conference, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.The offices of V.P. Dissemination, and V.P. Research were restructured to become the V.P. for Conferences and the V.P. for Publications. There were 305 members. 1982 - The Ninth Annual Conference, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York.A call was issued for a formal journal to add to the growing list of RCDPM publications. There were 297 members. 1981 - The Eighth Annual Conference, Penn State University, Hershey, Pennsylvania.The RCDPM mission was revised to reflect emphasis on understanding and/or overcoming factors that inhibit maximal learning. There were 359 members. 1980 - The Seventh Annual Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.First annual John Wilson Memorial Lecture given by Vincent Glennon. There were 467 members. Elections were conducted by mail rather than at the meeting. 1979 - The Sixth Annual Conference, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.There were 379 members and two new publications became available. RCDPM first considers a name change. 1978 - The Fifth Annual Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.The RCDPM incorporated at this meeting. There were 334 members. 1977 - The Fourth Annual Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.Officers were elected, including Robert Ashlock, Thomas Romberg, Michael Hynes, Martin Johnson, and Jon Engelhardt. James Heddens was elected as the first RCDPM President. Dues were set at $11 ($6 for students). RCDPM had 170 members from 26 states and 4 provinces. A total of five publications were available. 1974, '75, '76 - National Conferences on Remedial Mathematics, Kent State University.Initiated by James W. Heddens. At the 1976 meeting, the twenty-one presenters became the Founding Members of the Research Council for Diagnostic and Prescriptive Mathematics, which was later renamed as the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. A Steering Committee consisting of Robert Ashlock, Lee Capps, Michael Hynes, Ann McAloon, and James Heddens was formed. |